Our Services

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Membership-Based Access:

We offer two membership tiers tailored to artists who would like access to Flower Shop Collective.

The FSC HQ Membership allows artists to have the opportunity to access our space and resources to create new work in our 250 sq ft Brooklyn headquarters.

The Thought + Framework Membership
allows artists who work in mediums that don't necessarily need regular access to our space, tools, and fabrication services yet are still involved with our larger vision and goals.

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Speaker & Panels:

Members of our collective have participated on panels at universities and government institutions. We are thought leaders in our field on topics and frameworks such as Art Equity, Decolonial Frameworks and Creative Labor.

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Curation & Art Equity Consultation:

As art workers who believe in the power of community-led practices, we understand the value of collaboration and multi-disciplinary perspectives. We provide curation services, skill learning, and portfolio reviews.


También les podemos ofrecer todos estos servicios en Español.

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How to commission a custom piece:

Custom Fabrication is something we love doing and we do it on a case-by-case basis. We prioritize artists of color and brands or people that identify with our mission! Reach out if you want a custom-made art piece!